Oct 3, 2008

Change the Game

"The biggest opportunities - and the biggest profits - don't come from playing the game differently. They come from changing the game itself .... Changing the game itself is the essence of business strategy."

Co-opetition: A Revolutionary Mindset that Redefines Competition and Cooperation: 2. The Game Theory Strategy That's Changing the Game of Business, by Adam M. Brandenburger, Barry J. Nalefuff, 1996.

Oct 1, 2008

Poker tournament

My friend is about to run a poker tournament for university students.
Check out UniPoker.sk if you're interested.

Sep 22, 2008

Google Code Blog: Usability Research on Federated Login

Interesting google study on how federated login (openID) might be applied in order to maintain optimal user experience.

Federated login has been a goal of the Internet community for a long time, but its usage is still quite low, especially in the consumer space. This has led to the constant need for users to create yet another account to log in to a new website, and most consumers use the same password across websites even though they realize this is a poor security practice.

Google Code Blog: Usability Research on Federated Login

Sep 20, 2008

Future tech

Imagine walking a street in unknown city, holding your iPhone and being able to pick the best restaurant in the neighborhood based on your friend's advice?

By far, the biggest crowd pleaser at last week’s TechCrunch50 was a demo by the Japanese startup Tonchidot for a mobile social tagging product it is developing called Sekai Camera.
